
Michel Barnier Brexit Le Touquet (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi & Jedi Foster)
Michel Barnier, EU chief negotiator for Brexit since 2016, gave an introductory speech at the
BREXIT: DIVORCE OR NEW START symposium, on April 16, 2021, at the Palais des Congres du Touquet, organized by the mayor of Touquet, Daniel Fasquelle. Michel Barnier, as European Commissioner and shared with us his vision of the consequences of Brexit but also his projections, which he wants to be optimistic and constructive towards the EU and France. Michel Barnier, who was also French Minister of Agriculture, was able to highlighted the contours and issues of the sensitive subject of fishing, in British waters, to French fishermen, now subject to a post Brexit license, and endow the commercial and socio-professional, have a strong impact for the two countries, UK and France. Michel Barnier as French Minister of Foreign Affairs was also able to share with us these concerns and perspectives regarding the migratory problem on the French side, with regard to migrants whose notion of firmness as a couple of humanity must be understood. We are publishing the entirety of his exclusive Remarks, which was delivered in the presence, at Palais des Congres, Le Touquet, April 16, 2021, at 9:00 a.m
BREXIT: DIVORCE OR NEW START symposium, on April 16, 2021, at the Palais des Congres du Touquet, organized by the mayor of Touquet, Daniel Fasquelle. Michel Barnier, as European Commissioner and shared with us his vision of the consequences of Brexit but also his projections, which he wants to be optimistic and constructive towards the EU and France. Michel Barnier, who was also French Minister of Agriculture, was able to highlighted the contours and issues of the sensitive subject of fishing, in British waters, to French fishermen, now subject to a post Brexit license, and endow the commercial and socio-professional, have a strong impact for the two countries, UK and France. Michel Barnier as French Minister of Foreign Affairs was also able to share with us these concerns and perspectives regarding the migratory problem on the French side, with regard to migrants whose notion of firmness as a couple of humanity must be understood. We are publishing the entirety of his exclusive Remarks, which was delivered in the presence, at Palais des Congres, Le Touquet, April 16, 2021, at 9:00 a.m
The city of Touquet-Paris-Plage, accompanied by the Hauts-de-France Region, the CCI (Chamber fo Commerce & Industry) of Hauts-de-France and the Côte d'Opale University, is organizing a conference on the theme "Brexit: Divorce or new start" took place this Friday, April 16 from 9 am, with the participation in particular of Michel Barnier, Head of the task force in charge of post-Brexit negotiations, in the presence, in distance via video, by Xavier Bertrand, President of the Hauts-de-France Regional Council, Clément Beaune, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe in charge of European Affairs, Francois Xavier Bellamy, European Deputy, Jean-François Rapin, Senator, President of the Senate European Affairs Committee, Pierre Ducrocq, Mayor of Montreuil and entrepreneur, Pierre-Henri Dumont, Member of the Pas-de-Calais, rapporteur for the “Immigration, Asile and Immigration“ opinion on the PLF 2021.---------------------------------------------------
We are publishing the entirety of his exclusive Remarks, which was delivered in the presence, at the Palais des Congres, Le Touquet, April 16, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. REMARKS OF MICHEL BARNIER ANSWERING WHETHER BREXIT IS A DIVORCE OR NEW START( IN PRESENCE)
Mr. Mayor [Dear Daniel FASQUELLE],
Mr. Ambassador of Great Britain [Sir Edward LLEWELLYN],
Mr. Secretary of State [Clément BEAUNE],
Mr European Commissioner [Julian KING],
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you, dear Daniel FASQUELLE, for having taken, with your partners [the Region, the CCI, Université Côte d´Opale] initiated this post-Brexit colloquium. « This exchange time seems necessary to me, in particular here, in the Hauts de-France region and in Le Touquet, whichmaintain so many links, geographical, historical, political and economic with the United Kingdom. We will have the demonstration this afternoon, when we lean on the cases of fishing, tourism and migration issues.
« Ladies and gentlemen, In these areas, and in many others, Brexit has been a risk factor and uncertainties. For our fishermen. For our universities. For our road carriers. For the French living in the United Kingdom and for the British settled here, in France. For all those who carry out projects funded by the European Union. The role of the negotiations I was in charge of for 4 years was to limit these risks for citizens, businesses, Union territories.---------------------------------------------------------------
We did it through:
“¢ The preservation of citizens' rights
“¢ A financial settlement: what was decided at 28 will be paid at 28. By the pound
sterling close.
“¢ The protection of protected designations of origin, such as Maroilles or
pre-salted lamb [Baie de Somme]
“¢ And of course the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland, which must
avoid the return of a physical border to the island of Ireland and protect The Good Friday Agreement. Thus, we have reached an agreement on the orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, which was not taken for granted. And then we put the foundations of a new relationship with the UK. In four large areas :
“¢ An ambitious and fair free trade agreement (zero tariffs, zero
quotas, level playing field)"
« Ambitious economic and social cooperation in a large
number of sectors: road and air transport, energy, social security and of course fishing. On this subject, as on others, essential for Hauts-de-France, I also want to salute the government's commitment French but also the President of your greater region, Xavier Bertrand and all elected officials throughout the negotiations.
“¢ Cooperation on citizen security
“¢ Common governance rules to ensure efficiency and
credibility of our long-term partnership. Because our destinies remain intimately linked.
Ladies and gentlemen, So much for the agreements we have made. And who give a first answer to the question of this conference: “divorce or new start? " Or rather “divorce and a new start“. Brexit is indeed a divorce and a weakening - for the UK in particular, but also for Hauts-de-France, for France and for Europe collectively. The first few months of this year have shown this in many ways. An example: even without customs duties, Brexit inevitably results in through new customs procedures, which complicate business life British, but also many SMEs in your region as in all Europe. Much more serious, the tensions of the last days in Northern Ireland, we remind that that the peace and stability found in 1998 on the island of Ireland remain fragile. These tensions show us that the agreements we have signed with the UK are not stronger than the men and women who make them live. So I call on both sides to be responsible, so that each one respects his signature. It is the confidence of citizens in our democratic institutions, it is the economic future of Europe and the United Kingdom, it is, more fundamentally still, peace and stability for millions of Europeans who are at stake."
TIME HAS COME FOR US THE EUROPEAN UNION TO MAKE OUR OWN FRESH START MICHEL BARNIER STATED OVER THE FUTURE OF EUROPE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
« Ladies and gentlemen, If we show mutual responsibility, I am convinced that we can mitigate the mess of this divorce, take with the United Kingdom a new start. And take up, with our British friends, the immense challenges that will continue to come to us collectively, because History and geography do not lie. In this regard, the Agreement concluded here in November
last, on the Franco-British management of migration issues in the English Channel and in the North Sea is an example.
I am equally convinced that the time has come for us, the countries of the European Union, to make our own fresh start.
Throughout this negotiation, I wondered why 52% of British had voted to leave this collective project. By being clear that this vote could have taken place in other countries of The Union, including ours. To be sure, there are distinctly British reasons. But there are also reasons that can be found in Hauts-de-France and many other French and European regions:
“¢ The feeling that Europe is not responding to legitimate concerns
“¢ Social anger against a Union which does not protect against the abuses of globalization
“¢ Anger against a Europe which has not been able to control its borders foreigners or control immigration that it undergoes
“¢ A Europe that has failed to protect its industry, nor to anticipate the revolution digital
“¢ A Europe seen as too complex, bureaucratic and distant.
This is why it is more than ever necessary to talk about the future of Europe. It's urgent. Let's face the upheavals in the world that the health crisis has accelerated:
“¢ China has become a strategic rival that increasingly seeks to
impose on the world a project and values “‹“‹that are not ours.
“¢ In our neighborhood, Russia and Turkey take advantage of our weaknesses collective and seek the balance of power.
“¢ The United States, even out of the Trump era, now has many more priorities than our continent. And many other springs too.
Let us also look directly at technological upheavals: the decisions of a few companies, all American or Chinese, have a growing impact on our economy and on our lives. If we do not want the future of our children or our grandchildren to be decides in Washington or Beijing, we must take our destiny in hand and use all the weight of France to put Europe in the right direction.
THE FRENCH PRESIDENCY OF EUROPEAN UNION IS AN OPPORTUNITY ---------------------------------------------------
The French Presidency of the European Union, in the first half of 2022 we gives an opportunity. In 2008, we then demonstrated, under the leadership of Nicolas Sarkozy, (Former French President 2007-12) that France, when it is ambitious, can use its presidency to make move the lines in Europe. As in 2008, the European Union must now take charge of itself and assert itself in a context of economic crisis and upheaval geopolitics. We need to get out of the era of naivety. Even more than in 2008, France must, through its action, demonstrate that we have an interest in being together, in an increasingly unstable world. If we want to succeed in this exercise, collectively, if we want to build a Europe that has added value, we need French ambition. There are, in my view, for this presidency and for the future, six main priorities which, in my opinion, are the keys to our independence and prosperity."
We publish the list fo the six ^(6) propositions of Michel Barnier, within his remarks, at the Bouquet Brexit Symposium-------
1 - "WE MUST TAKE ACTION FACING THE RISKS FOR OUR HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT"DECLARED MICHEL BARNIER-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We must act in the face of the risks to our health and our environment.The Covid crisis has shown the added value and the limits of joint action at European level.
This is not about overwhelming one or the other, but about learning from what has gone wrong, at all levels:
“¢ We must revive our research and industrial production capacity in France.
“¢ We must endow Europe with real powers in terms of health coordination and prevention of major risks, in support of those of the Member States. As long as it acts in a more flexible, faster and less bureaucratic way.
“¢ And, together, we must carry an international treaty on pandemic preparedness and management.---------------------------------
What is true for public health is also true for the protection of our planet. Here too, we must, in each of our countries, devote more resources to ecological transition, by stimulating research and technological innovation, by placing confidence in the territories and in the private sector. Ecology is not a theory, let alone an ideology: it is the search for the most effective responses to the challenges posed by climate change. Here too, at European level, we must continue to fight for the future of our Earth, whether it is about the climate, the seas or biodiversity. We have, with the Paris Agreement, the foundation and the legitimacy to build a new global climate consensus.
« Second major priority: economic recovery. Faced with the economic consequences of the health crisis, the 27
agreed last July on an unprecedented stimulus package:
“¢ 750 billion euros in loans and grants.
“¢ Financed for the first time by a common debt.
“¢ Covered by realistic Central Bank policy
This is proof that the 27 are looking forward together in the decades to come. And this is arguably the best answer to those who regularly prophesy the end of the European Union.
But we also have to prepare for the sequel. By providing the Union with new own resources to repay our debt common.
“¢ There is no question of creating new taxes that would weigh on taxpayers or companies.
“¢ But to make use of the digital giants, which is also a question of tax justice.
“¢ And to focus on goods, especially imported goods, which do not meet our environmental standards. This idea of “‹“‹"carbon adjustment at the Borders" is a French idea that we brought up with Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009. It is an idea, because it
is fair, must be pushed and brought to fruition. But it is an idea, because it is French, that should be explained without arrogance and without incantation, listening and understanding the positions of other Member States.
Preparing for the future also means giving ourselves new budgetary rules. The Stability Pact, with the “3% deficit rule“, have shown their limits. To encourage good fiscal management, we need new rules.
“¢ Rules that support national budgets in times of crisis but encourage countries to save in times of growth.
“¢ Rules that distinguish investment spending, which prepares for the future, from those that could be avoided through better management. Finally, preparing for the future means taking care not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The recovery will only be sustainable if it is based on solid foundations, and in particular on real financial stability. Do not have a short memory! Let us remember that before the Covid crisis, the 2008 financial crisis had very serious economic and social consequences. As European Commissioner, I then proposed nearly 40 financial regulation laws which were passed. »
WE MUST CREATE A POSITION OF FINANCIAL ATTORNEY FOR EUROPEAN UNION DEFENDED THE IDEA, MICHEL BARNIER-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“¢ We must remain attentive to new risks, especially in the
shadow banking sector, [these entities that participate in
financing the economy outside the traditional banking system
“¢ And we must finally create the post of Financial Prosecutor for which I have been pleading for several years.
"Third, we must take up the technological and digital challenge. The Covid has shown us it again: digital now conditions all economic activity and an important part of our social life. However, France and Europe are on the way to decommissioning. We have no doubt already lost the battle for artificial intelligence, where the majority of
investments are made in the United States or China, and not with us. But huge technological projects remain to be invested, in quantum computing, biotechnologies or neurotech. These projects, do not imagine that France could tackle them alone, by confining Europe to setting competition rules. We have great assets in France, but faced with China or the United States, the right answer is joint investment at European level. This is why the French Presidency must aim to endow
Europe of a "European technological sovereignty fund", fueled in particular by European savings, thanks to an incentive policy by the ECB. But the technological and digital emergency is not limited to investments. We must create an ecosystem favorable to the development in Europe of no more "unicorns", true sources of innovation, and give them the means to remain European. In this regard, it is urgent to adapt competition law to the realities digital. Notably by giving a European Artificial Intelligence and Platforms Regulatory Authority the ability to control algorithms that act at the expense of fair competition, or worse yet, at the expense of our democracy."
4 - IT WILL NEED MORE SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR COMPETITITIVENESS OF FRANCE IN THE EU, EXPLAINED MICHEL BARNIER------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Fourth, there will be no economic competitiveness for France and Europe without more social justice. Among the real reasons for Brexit, there is social anger against a Europe deemed too liberal and not protective enough. We need to listen to this popular sentiment, not to confuse it with populism. In Europe, no worker should be afraid of losing their job because of social dumping.
“¢ The rules on the posting of workers between European countries have evolved. We must now strengthen our means of control to prevent abuse.
“¢ We must also tackle the forms of "imported dumping" exercised by countries with social standards that do not exist, or that are too different from ours.
“¢ In our agreement with the United Kingdom, we insisted on and obtained fair competition rules, particularly in social and environmental matters. It is a good laboratory for overhauling European trade policy. Our recovery plan must benefit all the territories of the Union. It must also benefit all citizens, starting with the youngest who are the first to suffer from the current crisis and who lack prospects. This is a demographic imperative for a Europe which in 2050 will be more over 65 than under 25. We must invest in the technologies of the future, of course, but also and first of all in those who will use them.
“¢ France could offer a major “Erasmus
professional ", by mobilizing the 6 billion euros of the Guarantee European Union for Youth in order to extend Erasmus not only to apprenticeships but also, beyond education, to professional mobility projects in other European regions.
“¢ Finally, for the influence of the European spirit, I think that we should not only encourage the networking of our universities but also create great European universities, not only for law or political science, but also in the fields scientific, economic and artistic."
5 - MIGRATION MUST BE CONTROLLED AND PROPOSED A POINTED "BLUE CARD" EXPLAINED BY MICHEL BARNIER------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"The Fifth priority is the control of migration. Here too, beyond the amalgamations of the referendum campaign in the United Kingdom, this is one of the reasons for Brexit. If Europe is to remain sensitive to those who are persecuted in their country , it
can neither be open nor naive.
“¢ We need to better control our external borders together. It is necessary
a clear mandate and 10,000 troops for Frontex to allow its agents to act, without suffering.
“¢ We must also rethink the right of asylum to better distinguish between the men and women we want to welcome and those who are not intended to stay. But also to shorten the length of procedures and delays in escalation to the border.
“¢ Finally, without qualms, we must put in place a policy legal immigration, according to our needs, as do many big countries, like Australia or the United States with the "green card". In Europe, the "blue card" should function as a residence permit based on quotas and granted on the basis of a points system. It would be a system that is both efficient and understandable, both for Europeans and for applicants for residence.
6 - "EUROPE MUST RESOLUTELY ASSERT ITSELF ON AN INTERNATIONAL STAGE UNDER FULL RECOMPOSITION" CONCLUDED MICHEL BARNIER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Finally, Europe must assert itself resolutely on a rapidly changing international scene. Recent events in Brussels and in our surroundings, from Ukraine to Eastern Mediterranean, unfortunately shows that despite an obvious and pressing need for a stronger and more united Europe in the face of the upheavals of the world, the European Union has not yet acquired the maturity necessary to assert itself and enforce. There are objective reasons for this, the first being that international assertion takes time, especially for an entity as original as a Union of 27 sovereign states! We must always maintain a certain indulgence towards European institutions which, in foreign policy and defense, only have the leeway of action that the Member States
themselves authorize them! But there are also reasons that we dare not tackle head-on and yet we will have to face it if we are to assert ourselves.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For 20 years, the Union has favored instruments and resources (financial, commercial, diplomatic, etc.), believing that the accumulation of these resources would automatically lead to the expression of a common political will. But we discover or pretend to discover that all these means, which make Europe one of the most robust global players in absolute terms, have no impact or visibility if they are not at the service of real political priorities clearly expressed, promoted and defended. And in the matter the responsibility. Member States is essential. In European foreign policy, as in other areas, there are a culture of means disconnected from the culture of results. It should therefore come as no surprise that this posture leads other actors to take advantage with much less scruples and naivety of this European reluctance, to formulate their own interests and policies to promote and defend them more. energetically. We are living in a time of tectonic upheavals, of the assertion of new, more brutal, more unilateral power relations and often very frontally hostile to the model and values “‹“‹that Europe claims to embody. This requires that Europeans finally look the world in the face and assume their geopolitical responsibilities. This was already the meaning of the initiatives taken at the St Malo summit in 1998! The context has changed, and so have the players, and I sincerely regret that Brexit has also altered this ability to work with the British on more robust policy actions. foreign and defense. But the urge to exist on our own in this volatile world is arguably even more powerful than it was then.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Health, recovery, digital, social, migration, geopolitics. In all these areas, as in the cross-cutting climate field, France must show leadership for a new collective ambition.
But leadership cannot be decreed. To convince our partners of the correctness of French ideas, we must put an end to incantations as a form of arrogance. The 26 other States have the same right as France to defend their sovereignty, their specificities; to make their differences heard. To convince is not to impose. It is listening, respecting, understanding and building consensus. In Europe, influence is not a lonely or vertical exercise. Influence is built with perseverance and time.
2 - we have to debate what Europe is ... and what it is not
Brexit was fueled by the trial in "Brussels" of everything that was wrong in England. Beyond demagoguery and populism, there is an urgent need to debate what we can and must do together, and what is imperatively within the sovereignty of States. This is the meaning of the "patriots and Europeans" initiative that I have proposed to launch into the public debate.
3 - We must tackle the French divides, by learning the lessons of Brexit. There are social, territorial and generational divides in France which are not due to the European Union. Between secularism and new religious facts, working-class neighborhoods and secession from the elites, republican ideal and community identities, deserted countryside and hyper-connected urban centers. Between generations, quite simply.
The answer to these fractures depends only on us, the French.
“¢ It is up to us to find the foundations of our Republic:
education, respect for authority, social justice.
“¢ It is up to us to trust the territories, those who create,
undertake, innovate and produce, to young people, to millions of
volunteers who lead community life.
“¢ It is up to us to work on a new intergenerational contract that does not
do not blame the elders and sacrifice the youth. And together to lay the foundations for a new prosperity, more economical in terms of resources and space.
“¢ In short, it is up to us to build a just and strong France. Which will be all the more able to defend the vision of an ambitious and independent Europe“¦/Source: Remarks of Michel Barnier, Commissioner of European Union, at Symposion Brexittouquet.
Daniel Fasquelle Mayor Le Touquet Brexit Michel Barnier Eu Commissioner Brexit Brigitte Kuster Mp Clement Beaune Sec State Europe Xavier Bertrand Pdt Region Hauts De France Senator Jean Francois Rapin Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jeid Foster Fisheries
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